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Do not put out the Spirit’s fire

By Elizabeth Devlin “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all;hold on to what is good, reject whatever is harmful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 Sometimes, the “gender debate” in our churches is viewed as being of lesser importance – i.e. not a "salvation issue" – and therefore the outcome will not have any serious consequences. And while it's true that the core message of God's gracious gift of salvation transcends all other issues, the...

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Reading the Bible as a Woman

By Denise Cooper-Clarke This was the title I was given, but it is one I am uneasy with, for two reasons. First, it implies that women are a separate category of reader from the normative reader, who is, of course a man. It is not helpful to think of a woman’s perspective as if this were distinct from an “objective” perspective (understood as a male perspective). This is to assume the priority of the male. Was any man ever invited to...

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The Gospel According to Eve

The Gospel According to Eve:  A History of Women’s InterpretationIVP Academic (29 October 2019) by Amanda Benckhuysen                   Reviewed by Barbara Deutschmann We often hear that the push for women’s inclusion in all aspects of church ministry is a response to modern “feminism”. This book puts paid to that notion. Amanda Benckhuysen has researched the many women from the Middle Ages to the present day who found in the first few chapters of Genesis inspiration and resources for countering patriarchy. They had...

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How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership

How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadershipby Alan F JohnsonZondervan Academic 2010 Alan F. Johnson's compilation of narratives entitled How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership: Compelling Stories from Prominent Evangelicals is a particularly fresh, honest, and persuasive resource in the growing collection of books on gender equality and women in leadership. The recognizable evangelicals in this book speak humbly and clearly about how their theological convictions and understanding of Scripture, with reference to women in leadership, were...

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The full image of God

By Naomi Chua After the birth of our daughter, my husband published the following social media post announcing her arrival: Introducing Zuri Where based on Zuri’s gender, Zuri will be more likely:4 x sexually assaulted and/or threatened by age 157 x killed by a current or former partner5 x hospitalised after assault by spouse or partner26 % less earning capacity25 x less likely chosen by our government for a ministerial positionAnd face disbelief about the existence and impact of sexism. It was a sobering...

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Making Room at the Table: Encouragement for the Winding Road to Equality

“You’re not honoring the Word of God if you really believe that,” the elderly man across the table said to me. I sat in stunned silence. I was teaching a Bible study on Galatians at a congregation with strong egalitarian roots. But the man – my student – was openly insulting me in front of everyone because I dared to tell him that God made every human being equal in his sight. At the time, I was a seminarian who had spent years...

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Kevin Giles Responds to Dr Lionel Windsor.

Kevin Giles first reply to Lionel Windsor. I am delighted that a Moore College lecturer, Dr Lionel J. Windsor, is critically reading my last book, What the Bible Actually Teaches About Women (Or: Cascade, 2018).  I always write to encourage open debate and discussion. In addition, I am very appreciative of the fact that Lionel wrote to me first to express his concerns and criticisms, mainly on my translation of Genesis 1:27, and in his blog I am now answering he...

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Book Review: What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women

What the Bible Actually Teaches on WomenKevin Giles, Cascade, 2018 Kevin Giles delights in Australia and its ideal of being an egalitarian nation. This ideal is not always present and for Kevin the subordination of women, as taught in certain Christian communities in Australia, is one such exception.  A deeply offensive one. The teaching of the subordination of women upsets Kevin Giles deeply. He has advocated for equality between men and women for over 40 years. He has preached, spoken at conferences...

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Monogenēs once more

Following the 2016 Evangelical Theological Society annual conference in San Antonia where Dr. Bruce Ware and Dr. Wayne Grudem publicly announced that they had been wrong to deny the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son, the word monogenēs has become a hot topic. This word has become contentious because both Ware and Grudem said that they can now accept the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son because they have been persuaded that monogenēs in fact means “only...

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Revisiting the Clarity of Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:12

Below is an article by Jamin Hübner: Revisiting the Clarity of Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:12 It is used with the permission of the author. Dr. Jamin Hübner is an American theologian, biblical scholar, philosopher and musician from South Dakota. He is a graduate of Dordt College (BA Theology), Reformed Theological Seminary (MA Religion) and the University of South Africa (ThD Systematic Theology), and a student at Southern New Hampshire University (MS Economics) and currently serves as the Director of Institutional Effectiveness...

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