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What exactly is Christians for Biblical Equality?

Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) is a nonprofit organization of Christian men and women who believe that the Bible, properly interpreted, teaches the fundamental equality of men and women of all ethnic groups, all economic classes, and all age groups, based on the teachings of Scriptures such as Galatians 3:28:

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (NIV 2011).

CBE affirms and promotes the biblical truth that all believers-without regard to gender, ethnicity or class-must exercise their God-given gifts with equal authority and equal responsibility in church, home and world.

CBE Melbourne

A Melbourne chapter of CBE was launched on October 24, 2005 with the following mission statement:
“To assist men and women to explore fullness of life in Christ, including the transformation of relationships in the personal and corporate realm, enabling all to minister and receive ministry that transcends race, gender and social standing.”

In November 2024 it was decided o suspend this Chapter until further notice.

Our Facebook page is here


We are trying to encourage members and interested groups to organise get-togethers, such as a coffee and dessert night, to think about some of the issues that CBE is focused on. We would like to invite you to organise such an occasion for your friends and colleagues. We would be happy to send one or two of our committee members to lead a discussion on some of these issues.
If you would like to take up this offer please contact us.

CBE International

CBE is an International organisation with its International headquarters based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. If you would like to know more about CBE go to the CBEI website and check out the information pack.